07 April 2010

Prom Season

With April comes showers and proms. As prom season rapidly approaches so do parents attempts to keep their children from having fun. Across the country, guest speakers are preaching to students about the dangers of drinking, spreading horrors stories meant to keep kids from "sinning." Horror stories of teen pregnancies and drunk driving accidents. No one wants their kids to have fun these days. Drinking doesn't make young teens worse drivers, it probably helps; senior girls at Oak Mountain managed to all run into each-other on the way to school. Yes, approximately eight girls managed to all get into a wreck with one another, before school. Teenagers are historically worse drivers than drunk people, spring for some extra money parents and rent a limousine. Don't try to keep them from drinking, your efforts will be in vain. Don't tell them not to have sex, its prom night, thats what you are supposed to do, buy them some condoms, unless your catholic, and tell them to have fun and be safe. Prom is supposed to be fun, don't ruin it with curfews, or other strict guidelines. All of us are only young once, let them enjoy their youth.

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