05 April 2010

Opening Day

America's pastime, baseball, returns to season tomorrow, April 5th. In the first game of the series the Boston Red Sox came from behind twice to defeat the defending world champions, New York Yankees. With the return of warm weather comes the return of hope to all baseball fans that this year will be better than last. Every team gets a fresh start, everyone starts undefeated, this will not last long for many teams, notibly the Pirates, Orioles, and Royals, regardless their fans still hope. This year, like every year, "experts" think it might just be the Cubs' year, it never is, it never will be, once again the Cubs will fall short. The Braves think they have a chance again in manager Bobby Cox's finally season at the helm. The Phillies, Cardnials, Red Sox, and Yankees look to dominate Major League Baseball once again.

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