24 May 2010

Top Ten- Better Than Roy Moore

There is a problem in Alabama- it is Roy Moore. He is currently running in the Republican Primary on the platform of Jesus.

Team Seamen has compiled a list of the Top 10 people we would rather have as Governor than Roy Moore.

10. Kim Jong Ill

9. Andrew Whitaker

8. George W. Bush

7. Joran Van Der Sloot

6. Mark Norton

5. David Caruso (w/ Sunglasses)

4. Gralynn Branham

3. Alf

2. Rosa Parks

1. A Jew


  1. Graylnn and Alf


  2. if we had a jew we'd finally start making the state budget effective... also I always thought fob james was just alf in one of his disguises anyhow

  3. i think the jew would be great because he is bilingual
