13 May 2010

Miss USA

Check out this debate from Larry King. This blonde chick is trying to act like Miss USA stands for something other than looks. She cant even speak clearly, this is a text book dumb blonde trying to sound smart.

Are the pictures too sexy? No.
Is Miss USA / Miss Universe all about looks? Absolutely


  1. the blonde girl just got her ass handed to her by someone with a decent education and can actually make logical, coherent, and grammatically sensible sentences. the blonde girl is just defending her own because she knows if she weren't ever in this pageant she would be known as that hot girl who was dumb as bricks but fucked her way into a decent life.

  2. Audrey Moore makes Larry King Live. We all know she has had a Lott worse things on her than the stuff in that shoot.

  3. To the second anonymous poster I loved the Lott comment, Brilliant.
